Mary Harms, College of Business, (515) 294-5800
Michelle Johnson, News Service, (515) 294-8986
ISU BUSINESS COLLEGE TO HOST CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG WOMENThe Iowa State University College of Business will host a conference to pique the interest of young women considering careers in business. "Exploring Opportunities for Our Future" will be held Thursday, April 3, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Sun Room of the ISU Memorial Union.
The conference, designed for young women grades 8 - 12, will feature hands-on workshops including using teamwork in decision making, telecommunications, developing a promotional plan for an organization and retailing.
"So many young women simply do not understand the scope of what is available to them professionally," said Mary Harms, adjunct instructor of marketing and coordinator of the conference. "During this conference, participants will gain valuable knowledge in a wide variety of business-related topics -- knowledge that will prove beneficial in both their personal and professional lives."
Barbara Valerious, principal of the Chicago High School of Agricultural Sciences, will deliver the keynote address entitled "Choices...the 90s decade."
Participants will also tour the Iowa State campus and hear members of the ISU and professional communities speak on topics such as hospitality and special events planning, entrepreneurship, medical technology and international trade.
For additional information or to register, contact Harms at (515) 294-5800 or by email mbharms@iastate.edu. Cost of the conference is $14. Lunch is included.
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Diana Pounds, University Relations, dpounds@iastate.edu
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/releases/HarmsConference.html
Revised 3/7/97