Hector Avalos, Latino Studies, (515) 294-0051
Tracy Griffin, News Service, (515) 294-4777
ISU APPOINTS DIRECTOR FOR LATINO STUDIES PROGRAMAMES, Iowa -- Hector Avalos, Iowa State University associate professor of religious studies, has been appointed director of Iowa State's Latino Studies program.
Avalos helped create the Latino Studies program, which began in 1994. The program focuses on people in the United States who trace their roots back to Spanish-speaking countries.
"The program has grown from having no faculty or classes to one that offers several courses in Latino literature, sociology and religion," Avalos said.
There is currently a search for a new Latino history faculty member.
"Hector has been so dedicated to the development of the program," said Zora Zimmerman, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences associate dean. "He has a strong scholarship in the field."
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