Judi Nielsen, ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, (515) 296-6754
Steve Ferguson, Iowa Agricultural Development Authority, (515) 281-6444
YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS AT ISU SUMMER CAMPAMES, Iowa -- The Iowa State University Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship and the
Iowa Agricultural Development Authority have once again teamed up to offer Iowa high school students the opportunity to "get down to business."
The second annual Young Iowa Entrepreneurs summer camp will be offered July 12-17, 1998, at Iowa State University. The camp is open to all high school students interested in entrepreneurship related to business, agriculture, veterinary medicine, or engineering/science/technology.
"We hope to raise students' awareness about the numerous career opportunities available to them in Iowa. Youth today don't have to be job seekers; they can be job creators," said Steve Ferguson, IADA executive director.
Students will spend the week attending educational sessions, listening to speakers, and working in groups to gain hands on experience in entrepreneurship. Campers will have the opportunity to participate in field trips to places such as the National Animal Disease Center, Reiman Gardens, the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine, area entrepreneurial businesses, and see the ISU Solar Car.
Students will be encouraged to choose an individual career trade during the week and get an inside look at successful entrepreneurs and their businesses within that field. The four tracks offered at the 1998 camp are: Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Engineering/Science/Technology and General Business.
"Each of us has within us the ability to start or to create a business," said Judi Nielsen,
Assistant Director of Outreach for the Pappajohn Center. "It is that spirit of self determination that we believe this camp can awaken in Iowa's young people."
The camp will offer several recreational activities including college tours and a semi-formal banquet and dance. In addition, students will have the opportunity to compete for college scholarships by developing a business idea and presenting a business plan to peers and judges.
The deadline for camp registration is June 1, 1998. Space is limited. Applicants may apply as a team of 5 students or individually. For more information about the Young Iowa Entrepreneurs camp, or to request an application, contact the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship in Ames (515)296- 6532 or the Iowa Agricultural
Development Authority in Des Moines (515)281-5952.
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/camp02.12.html
Revised 2/24/98