Murray Blackwelder, External Affairs, (515) 294-7730
John McCarroll, University Relations, (515) 294-6137
EDDYS OF DES MOINES ALSO HONOREDAMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University was named the 1998 Grand Sweepstakes winner at the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VI annual conference in Des Moines, Jan. 11-14.
Iowa State has earned the sweepstakes award eight of the past nine years. The sweepstakes award recognizes schools consistently earning high scores in communications competitions in such areas as publications, special events, public relations, alumni relations and fundraising. Iowa State won 34 awards in this year's competition.
Also, Barbara and Bob Eddy, Des Moines, were named CASE District VI volunteers of year at the annual conference. The Eddys were cited for active support of Iowa State through volunteer work and gifts.
CASE is a professional organization for those in alumni relations, communications and philanthropy. CASE District VI comprises eight states and nearly 200 colleges and universities.
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Revised 1/14/98