Dianne Bystrom, Catt Center, (515) 294-3181
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
CATT CENTER ASSOCIATES APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLEAmes, Iowa -- Iowa State University's Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is now accepting applications for the 1998- 1999 Catt Associates Program.
Catt Associates are undergraduate and graduate students who show an interest in politics, public policy and public service; demonstrate significant scholastic promise; and are at least in their second semester of study at Iowa State University.
Through volunteer work, Catt Associates play a role in the administration of the center and see first-hand how a public service organization funds, staffs and plans operations.
"The Catt Associates Program is a real reciprocal relationship," said Dianne Bystrom, director of the Catt Center. "Their work at the Center fills a real need for us and provides them with a tremendous opportunity."
Applications are available at the center and are due no later than 5 p.m. Friday, March 13. Accepted applicants will be inducted at the center's annual Strong-Minded Women Awards ceremony on Monday, April 6.
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Revised 2/25/98