Marilyn Vaughn, University Museums, (515) 294-3342
Heather Sauer, Design, (515) 294-9289
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
ISU DESIGN FACULTY EXHIBITION OPENS AUG. 24AMES, Iowa -- The Iowa State University College of Design's 1998 Faculty Exhibition will run from August 24 through October 25 at the Brunnier Art Museum in the Scheman Building.
Forty-two faculty from in architecture, art and design, community and regional planning and landscape architecture will be represented in the exhibit, which is being held in conjunction with the college's 20th anniversary celebration. Among the works on display will architectural site plans, ceramic sculptures, digital photographs, collages and oil paintings.
A series of educational lectures has been planned to coincide with the exhibit. Internationally renowned metal sculptor Albert Paley will be the keynote speaker at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20, in Benton Auditorium in the Scheman Building. His lecture, "Albert Paley The Pursuit of Form: A 30-Year Evolution in Decorative Arts and Sculpture," will be followed by a reception.
Commissioned by both public institutions and private industry, Paley has completed more than 40 architectural works, "Portal Gates" for the Renwick Gallery of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Pieces by Paley can be found in the permanent collections of many major museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Following is the schedule of events planned in conjunction with the faculty exhibit. All events are open to the public.
August 30
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Art & Design
Chuck Evans
"Some Stuff I've Made 1968-1998"
2 p.m. Brunnier Art MuseumSeptember 10
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Art & Design
Dennis Dake/Steve Herrnstadt
"Interconnections Between Art & Science"
7 p.m. Room 416, College of DesignSeptember 13
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Architecture
Paulette Singley
"Sleeping With the Dead: Il Vittoriale and Mausoleum of Post -WW1 Italy"
2 p.m. Brunnier Art MuseumSeptember 20
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Keynote Lecture
Albert Paley
"Albert Paley The Pursuit of Form: A 30-Year Evolution in Decorative Arts and Sculpture"
2 p.m. Benton Auditorium, Scheman Center
Reception follows in Brunnier Art MuseumSeptember 27
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Landscape Architecture
Michael Martin
"Alleys, Streets, Density and Diversity of Neighborhood Places"
2 p.m. Room 416, College of DesignOctober 8
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Interior Design
Mary Anne Beecher
"Furniture and Meaning"
7 p.m. Brunnier Art MuseumOctober 11
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Graphic Design
Paula Curran
"Designs on Betty and Jackie: An Obsession"
2 p.m. Brunnier Art MuseumOctober 15
Faculty Exhibition Lecture: Community & Regional Planning
Marie Rose Wong
"American Chinatowns: Tradition and Transformation"
7 p.m. Brunnier Art MuseumIowa State homepage
University Relations, online@iastate.edu
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/design08.05.html
Revised 8/24/98