Judi Nielsen, ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, (515) 296-6532
Kevin Brown, News Service, (515) 294-8986
AMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University's Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship has been selected as sole administrator for the 1999 Iowa Collegiate Entrepreneur Awards. That decision was made by the Jefferson Smurfit Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at St. Louis University.
Administering organizations are chosen based on eagerness to participate, credibility, recognition and staff ability to administer the awards.
The state awards and the North American Collegiate Entrepreneur Awards are in recognition of exceptional entrepreneurial skill and creativity among undergraduate students enrolled in colleges, universities or other post- secondary institutions. First-place winners in the state will advance to the North American Entrepreneurial Awards competition.
Any undergraduate student enrolled in an Iowa college or university during 1998 who simultaneously carries on business activities may apply for an award. Prize money is available for both the student and for their faculty nominator. More information on the program will be available in October. Anyone interested in this program should begin preparing now, however.
Iowa joins the following states in administration of this program: California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico and Wisconsin. Other countries that participate are Canada and Mexico.
Winners of the Iowa awards will be notified next May. The North American Collegiate Entrepreneur is chosen by the end of the summer with the award to be presented in the fall.
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Revised 6/19/98