Ann Molison, Retirement Information and Planning, (515) 294- 3830
Lauri Dusselier, ISU Wellness Program, (515) 294-3240
Anne Dolan, University Relations, (515) 294-7065
AMES, Iowa -- The second annual retirement information and wellness fair at Iowa State University will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, in the Memorial Union on campus.
The fair, organized by the retirement information and planning arm of ISU's Human Resource Services office, is open to the public and is expected to draw visitors from Waterloo to southern Iowa. There is no cost to attend.
More than 50 specialists, representing for-profit and not-for- profit companies and organizations will staff exhibit booths in the Great Hall, South Ballroom and Sun Room; some of them also will lead workshops, beginning at the top of every hour, in other meeting rooms of the Memorial Union. The exhibitors represent services such as financial planning, estate planning, retirement volunteer programs, retirement living communities and life-long education opportunities.
Newspaper inserts containing details about schedules, topics, locations and times will be available at the fair.
New to the fair this year is a wellness component. Exhibitors specializing in aspects of wellness will be clustered in the Sun Room. These include retirement communities, Mary Greeley Medical Center, McFarland Clinic, the ISU Wellness Program and groups such as the American Heart Association and the Alzheimer Association. Free flu shots and blood pressure screening will be given along the south wall of the Sun Room.
Staff from the ISU Wellness Program will be offering a health age questionnaire and a coronary risk profile. In the former, participants can receive an assessment of the relative age of their body based on diet and exercise habits and other factors. The coronary risk profile assesses an individual's potential for heart disease.
Ann Molison, coordinator of retirement planning at Iowa State, said the fair is relevant to everyone, whether they're retiring in three months or are just three years out of college.
"Whether it's for yourself, or even your parents or grandparents, there's lots to learn about financial planning, estate planning and living a full life after retirement," she said.
She noted that exhibitors who participated last year, about 95 percent of whom have returned, understand better what this audience is interested in.
For fair visitors coming from off campus, Heartland Senior Services, Ames, is sponsoring a free shuttle service between the Memorial Union and parking lot D-4 at the Iowa State Center (southeast corner of the lot along Elwood Drive.) Two vans will shuttle between the lot and the Memorial Union on 15-minute intervals from 7:30 am. to 5:30 p.m.
Keynote lecture
The fair actually opens Monday evening with a keynote lecture at 7:30 p.m. by the Twin Cities' Chris Farrell, commentator for public radio's Sound Money and a contributing editor to Business Week magazine. Farrell's lecture, "The New Math of Retirement," will be held in Benton Auditorium of the Scheman Building at the Iowa State Center.
He will address surveys that indicate many baby boomers want to work during their "golden" years, whether in new careers, part- time in their old careers or in consulting. This new approach gives retirees more financial flexibility, but also complicates the more traditional long-term saving and planning approach to retirement. Farrell's talk is sponsored by TIAA-CREF.
Sound Money, which is produced by Minnesota Public Radio, airs in central Iowa on WOI-AM Radio Saturdays at 3 p.m.
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/fair10.01.html
Revised 10/1/98