Juana Nolasco Cedillo and Chris Davlia, (515) 294-3081
Tracy Griffin, News Service, (515) 294-4777
'HISPANICS OF TODAY' CONFERENCE AT ISUAMES, Iowa -- Workshops, research presentations and speeches will all be a part of the 9th annual Hispanics of Today (HOT) conference to be held at Iowa State University, April 3-5.
The theme of this year's conference is "Nuestros Cuentos: Our Stories." The HOT conference will include workshops focusing on critical Latino issues, informal dialogues with session speakers, a dinner with keynote speakers and after-dinner entertainment.
The HOT conference promotes ideas to benefit Hispanic organizations and their communities, and opportunities in leadership development, continuing education, cultural awareness, political awareness, community involvement and career involvement.
Conference participants can submit resumes that will be collected in a booklet and distributed to representatives from businesses, chambers of commerce, graduate programs and undergraduate admissions counselors.
The conference fee is $35. The cost covers admission, meals and entertainment.
For more information, contact Juana Nolasco Cedillo at (515) 294- 3081.
University Relations, online@iastate.edu
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/hispanics03.05.html
Revised 3/5/98