Murray Blackwelder, External Affairs, (515) 294-7730
James Hopson, Alumni Association, (515) 294-6525
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
HOPSON RETIRING AFTER 30 YEARS WITH ISU ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONAMES, Iowa -- After 30 years with Iowa State University's Alumni Association, including 20 as executive director, James A. Hopson is retiring.
Hopson's retirement is effective June 30, 1999.
"Jim Hopson is a legend in his profession and a tremendously respected professional among the nation's alumni association directors," said vice president for external affairs Murray Blackwelder.
"Jim is a dedicated and tireless worker who upholds the ideals of a true professional, both within and beyond the university. The Alumni Association and Iowa State have greatly benefited from his service," said Glen Mente, president of the ISU Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Hopson joined the ISU Alumni Association staff in 1968 as records coordinator. From 1971 to 1975, Hopson served as assistant director and records coordinator of the association. From 1975 to 1978, he served as assistant director and business manager of the association and the ISU Achievement Fund, the precursor to the ISU Foundation.
From 1978 to 1979, he served as assistant director and manager of annual giving for the association and achievement fund.
In 1979, Hopson was appointed executive director of the ISU Alumni Association.
During his career, Hopson has been highly active on regional and national committees of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. He also has been active in the Ames Chamber of Commerce, the National Cyclone Club, Rotary, the ISU Memorial Union and on numerous university committees.
During his tenure, the ISU Alumni Association has tripled in the number of alumni of record, memberships have increased three-fold and the assets of the organization have increased ten-fold. Over 30 years, Hopson has worked with 20 volunteer presidents of the Alumni Association, more than 600 members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and thousands of Iowa State alumni and friends.
"My career with the Alumni Association has been perfect for me -- exciting, rewarding and fun," said Hopson. "It's been a privilege working for and representing Iowa State University. While it will be difficult to give up many direct ties with so many wonderful and supportive Iowa State friends, my wife Judy and I look forward to the next phase of our lives which will include more time with family, travel and new opportunities."
The ISU Alumni Association serves 175,000 alumni and friends and 40,000 dues-paying members through a variety of programs and services
Hopson received a B.S. in education in 1969.
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