Judie Horka, OM Regional Director, (515) 242-7940
Liz Kurt, Coordinator, Conference Services, (515) 294-6885
Anne Dolan, University Relations, (515) 294-7065
ODYSSEY OF THE MIND REGIONAL COMING TO ISU MARCH 14AMES, Iowa -- About 200 student teams from 34 Iowa communities will compete in an Odyssey of the Mind regional competition Saturday, March 14, at Iowa State University. A minimum of two teams in each problem and age group will advance to the state competition Monday, March 23, at Grinnell College. Winners at Grinnell earn the right to compete in the OM World Finals May 27- 30, hosted this year by the Walt Disney World Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
Odyssey of the Mind is an international problem-solving competition that emphasizes creativity and teamwork. Participating students hail from more than 12,000 elementary and secondary schools in all 50 states and about 20 foreign countries.
The five long-term problems competitors will tackle this year are:
In addition to solving the long-term problems, for which students have weeks to prepare, teams also test their quick-thinking skills by solving spontaneous problems in the few minutes allotted. Teams will compete in one of three age categories. "OMers," as they are called, range from kindergartners to high school seniors.
- "Pageant Wagon."
Design and build a tow vehicle, powered and driven by team members, that tows or pushes a pageant wagon. The pageant wagon is part of the set for a festive performance the team also completes.
- "Morph Magic."
Create and present a humorous performance that includes a character that undergoes a morphosis from human to animal.
- "Marvelous Mentor."
Create and present a humorous performance about an ad agency that makes a commercial about a nutritional product. The commercial includes a star personality as a mentor for the product.
- "Camouflaged Creation."
Design and build a structure made of balsa wood and glue, and initially camouflaged as part of a larger creation. When it is separated, it is tested by the weight it can support.
- "Create and Animate."
Create and present a humorous performance about an inanimate object that comes to life and include an original song or poem and original music.
- A sixth, non-competitive problem for elementary students only, "Dream Vacation", asks them to create and perform a skit about a dream vacation that includes two sites and an experience at each site, as well as a team-created song.
The regional competition, which is open to the public, will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 14, in ISU's Forker Building; Marston, Carver, Lagomarcino and Pearson halls; and the auditoriums in MacKay, Kildee and LeBaron halls. Closing ceremonies will begin at 4 p.m. in room 175 of the Forker Building.
Teams from these Iowa communities and schools are scheduled to participate:
Ames: Ames Middle School, Ames High School, Meeker Elementary, Northwood Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary, Fellows Elementary, Sawyer Elementary, St. Cecilia School, Mitchell Elementary
Anthon: Anthon Oto Community School
Carlisle: Carlisle Community School
Carroll: Kuemper Catholic School, Carroll Middle School, Kuemper High School, Carroll High School
Centerville: Centerville Talented and Gifted Program
Chariton: Chariton Kiwanis Club
Charter Oak: Charter Oak-Ute School
Clear Lake: Clear Lake Middle School
Clive: Sacred Heart School
Coon Rapids: Coon Rapids-Bayard School
Dallas: Melcher Dallas Elementary
Davenport: Central High School
Des Moines: Greenwood School, Edmunds Academy of Fine Arts, McCombs Middle School, Holy Trinity School, Hiatt Middle School, Pleasant Hill Elementary, Callanan Middle School, Merrill Middle School, Des Moines Home Schoolers, Brody Middle School
De Soto: ADM Intermediate School, ADM Middle School
Earlham: Earlham Schools
Fairfield: Maharishi School
Guthrie Center: Guthrie Center Elementary, Guthrie Center Secondary School
Indianola: Indianola Senior High
Johnston: Johnston Middle School, Johnston High School
Mapleton: Maple Valley Community Schools
Martensdale: Martensdale St. Mary's School
Mason City: Mason City Talented and Gifted Program, Mason City Middle School, Newman Catholic Elementary
Milford: Okoboji Middle School
New Hampton: New Hampton Community School
New Sharon: North Mahaska Talented/Gifted Program
Panora: Panorama Gifted/Talented Program
Pleasantville: Pleasantville Schools
Redfield: West Central Middle School
Stuart: West Central High School
Thornburg: Tri-County Community School
Urbandale: Urbandale Elementary, Urbandale Middle School, St. Pius X School, Urbandale High School
Waukee: Waukee Elementary, Waukee Middle School
Webster City: Webster City Middle School
West Des Moines: West Des Moines ELP Program, Valley High School, Dowling High School, Indian Hills Junior High
Note to editors
: For the time and building location of a specific school's performance(s), contact Anne Dolan, (515) 294-7065.
University Relations, online@iastate.edu
Copyright © 1997, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/om03.11.html
Revised 3/11/98