John Kozak, Provost, (515) 294-0070
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
SHAPIRO NAMED VICE PROVOST AT ISUAMES, Iowa -- Howard Shapiro, professor of mechanical engineering and assistant dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering, has been appointed Iowa State University's first vice provost for undergraduate programs. The appointment is effective August 1.
As vice provost for undergraduate programs, Shapiro will work with and lead campus-wide developments related to undergraduate programs, including enhancing the first year experience, promoting interdisciplinary programs, expanding learning communities and promoting outside funding to enhance instruction. He will also have administrative responsibility for several existing programs, including the University Honors Program, Council on International Programs, the Instructional Technology Center, the Lectures Program, the program for Women in Science and Engineering, and the Center for Teaching Excellence. The Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs is a new position including some of the responsibilities carried out by associate provost Edwin C. Lewis who will retire from ISU in December. Shapiro is appointed for a three year term.
"I am delighted that Howard is willing and eager to serve the university in this way," said Provost John Kozak. "It is a unique opportunity for him and for the university to work with this newly created position to lend added visibility and vitality to the many distinguished undergraduate programs we offer. He has the imagination and energy to keep us moving forward."
Shapiro joined the faculty in 1975 and has served as assistant engineering dean since January 1997. He established and has co- directed the Center for Building Energy Research since 1991. In 1990, he established another center, the Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center, which he also directed until he was named assistant dean.
Shapiro is a co-initiator of Project LEA/RN, a campus-wide learning enhancement program, and is responsible for implementing parts of the College of Engineering's "Re-engineering Engineering Education" initiative. He has advised undergraduates for more than 20 years and has taught 11 different undergraduate courses at Iowa State or Ohio State.
Shapiro has a B.S. in math, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Ohio State University.
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Revised 6/1/98