Linda L. Ciccone, Student Health Center, (515) 294-9020
Dave Haden, Dean of Students, (515) 294-1174
Tracy Griffin, News Service, (515) 294-4777
ISU HOSTS ALCOHOL ABUSE AND CAMPUS VIOLENCE TELECONFERENCEAMES, Iowa -- A live, national teleconference on campus violence and alcohol abuse will be at Iowa State University at noon Friday, Nov. 13 in room 2532 of Iowa State's College of Veterinary Medicine.
"Alcohol Abuse and Campus Violence: Rights, Rebellions and Responsibility" will focus on the recent increase in campus violence and its correlation to alcohol abuse. Issues to be discussed at the teleconference include the causes of campus violence, the increase in binge drinking on campuses and the impact of these issues on universities and communities.
During the two-hour discussion, a panel of university professionals and college students will present their views on causes and solutions to the increase in campus violence and alcohol abuse. After the discussion, Iowa State and Ames community members will be given the chance to ask the panel questions.
University administrators, student affairs personnel, law enforcement professionals, student health professionals, student leaders, community leaders and high school counselors are encouraged to attend the teleconference. The event is free.
"Alcohol abuse and campus violence are national problems that we want to avoid," said Linda Ciccone, Iowa State substance abuse program coordinator. "As a community, we need to take steps to prevent this from becoming a problem on our campus."
The panel will include:
The teleconference is produced by Washington State University, Putnam, and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Iowa State's participation is sponsored by the Substance Abuse Program, the Department of Students Affairs, the Student Activities Program, the Department of Public Safety and the City of Ames Police Department.
- Samuel H. Smith, President, Washington State University
- Richard Keeling, M.D., Professor of Medicine/Director of University Health Services, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Alan Lizotte, Professor, School of Criminal Justice; Executive Director, Consortium for Higher Education Campus Crime Research, State University of New York at Albany
- Jean Kim, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Karen L. Pennington, Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life, Montclair State University; Vice President , NASPA Religion II and NASPA Liaison to the National Criminal Justice Association
- Joseph Pelle, Commander, Detective Division and SWAT Team, Boulder, Colorado, Police Department
- Students leaders from Washington State University and the University of Wisconsin
For more information, call Linda Ciccone (515) 294-9020 or Dave Haden (515) 294-1174.
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/teleconference11.03.html
Revised 11/5/98