Mike Crum, Transportation and Logistics, (515) 294-8105
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
UNION PACIFIC EXEC IS 1998 VOORHEES LECTURER AT ISUAMES, Iowa -- James Shattuck, executive vice president of marketing and sales for Union Pacific Railroad, will present the sixth annual R. Dale Voorhees Distinguished Lecture at Iowa State University on Thursday, April 9.
Shattuck will speak at 2 p.m. in Room 204-208 of the Scheman Building. The lecture is free and open to the public. The topic of Shattuck's talk is "Tackling Impediments to Market Share Growth -- What the Railroads and Union Pacific in Particular Have to Do to Grow Their Market Share." A reception will follow Shattuck's lecture. While on campus, Shattuck will meet with a transportation and logistics class and business faculty.
Shattuck worked for Southern Pacific Railroad and Missouri Pacific Railroad, where he was responsible for developing and implementing an $80 million transportation control system. In 1987, he joined Union Pacific in 1987 as president and chief executive officer of Union Pacific Technologies. He was appointed vice president for marketing in 1991. He has held his current position with the railroad since 1993.
The Voorhees Lecture Series was established in 1991 to honor R. Dale Voorhees, a professor emeritus in ISU's College of Business. Voorhees joined the Iowa State faculty in 1971 after serving 30 years as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, retiring with the rank of colonel. While at Iowa State, he taught courses in transportation and logistics and maintained a number of different research activities.
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Revised 3/31/98