Mary Winter, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, (515) 294-8843
Mary Jo Glanville, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, (515) 294-8799
Kevin Brown, News Service, (515) 294-8986
WINTER NAMED AS ASSOCIATE DEAN IN FCSAMES, Iowa -- Mary Winter, professor of human development and family studies, will become the College of Family and Consumer Sciences' associate dean for research and graduate education on Aug. 10.
Winter's responsibilities will include fostering the development, administration and dissemination of research for the college, working with staff on development of research skills, and procuring contracts and grants. Other duties will include working with center directors on policy, supervising graduate students and coordinating and supervising graduate education in the college.
Winter joined Iowa State University in 1975 and became a full professor in 1983. From 1993 to 1995, she was interim co-chair of the Human Development and Family Studies department. In 1996, she earned the ISU Foundation Award for Career Achievement in Research and Scholarship.
Her research has focused on the household resource development and allocation under unusual circumstances. She has done extensive research on Mexican and Polish households and their responses to macroeconomic change, and on U.S. households involved in family businesses and the intergenerational sharing of a residence. Dianne Draper, who has held that position since 1994, has stepped down. She will continue as a professor of human development and family studies.
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Revised 7/10/98