Sande McNabb, Plant Pathology, (515) 294-3120
Skip Derra, News Service, (515) 294-4917
INITIAL ENTRY FOR IOWA STATE SCIENCE FAIR DUE SOONAMES, Iowa -- The initial entry deadline for the Iowa State Science and Technology Fair (ISSTF) is Feb. 19. Organizers are asking that students who are interested in entering this year's science fair to be sure and meet the initial deadline.
The ISSTF will be March 26-27, 1999, at Iowa State University. It is the only statewide general science fair for middle- and high-school students in Iowa.
While the initial entry deadline is Feb. 19, the final entry form is due March 12. Meeting the initial entry deadline allows organizers to plan for the science fair, according to Sande McNabb, university professor of plant pathology and forestry at ISU and chair of the ISSTF Board of Directors.
Students interested in participating in the fair must submit project proposals. All projects need to adhere to regulations set by the fair's committee, and proposals must be developed under the guidance of a teacher or other professional. The science areas covered are broadly divided into physical and biological sciences.
Prizes are awarded at the seventh- and eighth-grade levels. High school winners receive scholarships as well as other prizes. Also, many topical awards are given by state, federal, university and industrial groups.
Last year, some 435 students from across Iowa participated in the fair. In all, 88 fair awards and approximately 200 special awards were given to students who participated in last year's fair.
McNabb said the Iowa Space Grant Consortium will sponsor a $10,000 four-year tuition grant. In addition, there will be Iowa Energy Center Youth and Energy Scholarships and Iowa State Science and Technology Scholarships, as well as other awards. To date, the value of the awards available for the 1999 fair total approximately $30,000.
For more information on the Iowa State Science and Technology Fair and an entry booklet write to Sande McNabb, 221 Bessey Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1021, or call (515) 294-3120.
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Revised 02/04/99