Dianne Bystrom, Catt Center for Women and Politics, (515) 294- 4185
Arianna McKinney, News Service, (515) 294-6881
CATT CENTER LOOKING FOR STRONG-MINDED WOMENAMES, Iowa -- The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University is now accepting nominations for the 1999 Strong-Minded Women Awards.
The Strong-Minded Women Awards recognize women for making a difference in the lives of students, relatives, the university, the community and the world. The women are selected by a committee based on nominations received.
Those wishing to nominate someone for an award should fill out a nomination form, including a two to three page letter describing where and why the woman being nominated is making a difference, particularly in ways that are innovative, risk-taking and/or effect change; and three additional letters of support.
All female ISU students, faculty or staff members or Ames community members are eligible for the award. Nominations are due by March 26.
To obtain a nomination form, write to 309 Carrie Chapman Catt Hall, Ames, Iowa, 50011-1305 or call (515) 294-3181.
The awards are presented at the 1999 Strong-Minded Women dinner from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. The event will feature a presentation by a noted woman leader.
The dinner is hosted by Patty Jischke, wife of ISU President Martin Jischke. She helped establish the annual event and awards.
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/99/mar/award.html
Revised 03/10/99