Pat Miller, Lectures, (515) 294-9934
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
UN WATER EXPERT TO SPEAK AT ISUAMES, Iowa -- Wulf Klohn, water expert with the United Nations, will speak on "Food for All: Is There Enough Water Make It Possible?" at Iowa State University on Tuesday, March 23.
Klohn, senior water resource officer in the Land and Water Development Division of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, will speak at 8 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union. His talk is free and open to the public.
As senior water resource officer for FAO, Klohn is addressing water availability, lake management, hydrologic monitoring and forecasting, information, and trans-boundary water policy problems. Klohn will speak about the growing world population, our ability to feed all of the people in the world and the stresses it will put on world water resources. His talk is part of ISU's lecture series on science and technology for sustainable development.
The lecture series is sponsored by the Office of the President, the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics and the Committee on Lectures (funded by GSB).
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Revised 03/17/99