Judi Eyles, Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, (515) 296-6754
Kevin Brown, News Service, (515) 294-8986
ISU TO HOST ENTREPRENEUR FORUM SEPT. 17AMES, Iowa -- The first Entrepreneur Forum for this academic term is Friday, Sept. 17, from noon to 1 p.m. The "brown bag" lunch event will be in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union. It is open to the public.
The speaker is Paul Juffer, a partner with the firm of Larson, Watson, Bartling, and Juffer, Des Moines. Juffer has served as a chief financial officer of a software development company and is a certified public account. In his current position, he provides strategic and business planning, financial consulting, merger and acquisition services and a wide-range of accounting services.
Entrepreneurship Forums are held every other month during fall and spring terms. They are sponsored by the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, an outreach arm of the College of Business.
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